Dapp Wallet is a Platform from Artos Token to control user token transactions directly with the main wallet


  • As an Artos Platform

  • Transaction Control

  • Digital Asset Transaction

  • Digital Asset Swap (Exchange)


Where does this wallet come from?
Is this Platform safe?

Yes, because your tokens are stored either in the main wallet such as Trust Wallet, Metamask or Safepal

How to use?

You just need to open the dapp wallet address and connect it to the Main Wallet

Who controls the wallet?

The user, the private key is stored in his browser's local storage, the user must save the key

Is this a non-holding wallet?


Where are bitcoins stored?

Our wallet is a non-custodial wallet. How it works https://www.blockchain.com/learning-portal/how-it-works

All automatic deposits and withdrawals?

yes, transactions are sent directly to the network

Last updated